The Gardnerville Water Company is a non-profit company owned by the property owners of Gardnerville and managed by a five-member board of directors. GWC Board of Directors are elected by the property owners of Gardnerville. The elected board of directors manages and directs the water company. The manager/engineer is hired by the board of directors to oversee day-to-day operations, oversee capital improvements, review commercial and residential improvement plans, and manage support staff.
The GWC's service area continues to grow, as does the amount of water pumped each year in the water company service area. In 2017, the seven production wells owned by the water company produced over 355 million gallons of water distributed to the customers. GWC is one of the few companies that do not treat the water distributed.
The GWC has about 2,500 water service connections including residential, commercial, and irrigation. Every connection has a water meter that is read in-house utilizing Sensus Flexnet AMI technology.
GWC History...
For more than eighty-eight years, water has been supplied to the Town of Gardnerville through privately managed companies, first by the Virginia Ranch Cattle Company, Inc., then the Brockliss family, and now the Gardnerville Water Company.
Many of the water issues that confronted the Virginia Ranch Land and Cattle Company, Inc. and the Brockliss family in the early 1900’s confront the Gardnerville Water Company today. The primary issue then and now: How to preserve a high standard of water quality while serving a growing vibrant community.
Water is a finite resource. Gardnerville has an arid climate with periods of drought. The sheer beauty of the Carson Valley and its rural qualities beckon people to settle in the area. These conditions require wise water management, both quantity and quality, with an eye to the future needs of the community.
The Gardnerville Water Company is a non-profit company owned by the property owners of Gardnerville. The assets of the water company include its natural resource – water, the infrastructure that supports the delivery of water to Gardnerville, and the citizens who own and operate the water company.
As Gardnerville has grown over the past decades, the Gardnerville Water Company has focused on preparing for the impact of growth on the Water Company’s water supply and delivery infrastructure. Every year GWC staff and Board of Directors review a Capital Improvement Plan that allows for better water supply and delivery. The Gardnerville Water Company recognizes that it must be out in front of growth, not lagging behind in preparing for the future. Water companies that have not been out in front of growth, struggle with inadequate infrastructure to safeguard the quality of the water. They also risk not being able to provide adequate water flow for fire protection and other emergencies.
The Water Company reviews the Town of Gardnerville Streets Capital Improvement Project list yearly to determine if a waterline improvement project can be completed ahead of planned street improvements. This coordinated effort between the Water Company and the Town of Gardnerville ensures that street improvements are only completed once.