GWC Water Fill Station
The Gardnerville Water Company has constructed an automated bulk fill station in Gardnerville to allow bulk water haulers to obtain potable water from the distribution system year round, 24 hours per day located at 1579 Virginia Ranch Rd. This bulk fill station was constructed as an alternative to the withdrawal of water from fire hydrants. Bulk fill stations minimize the potential for contamination of the public water supply through a hydrant, reduce water events associated with hydrant usage, and ensure that all water delivered through the system is metered wherever possible.
The withdrawal of water from hydrants is considered illegal. The only vehicles accessing fire hydrants will be East Fork Fire and Paramedic District for emergency and fire training or GWC staff as they perform maintenance activities.
The water from the bulk water station is safe for personal uses such as filling pools and cisterns and is also suitable for commercial and agricultural use. The water stations employ modern technology and safe equipment such as backflow prevention devices to protect against contamination during filling and loading.
The Bulk fill station is accessed using a PROKEE or Credit/Debit Card. This system will allow bulk water haulers to dispense water as needed. The initial set up of the PROKEE must be done by completing a Bulk Water Service Application available at the GWC office, fax or online. With the PROKEE, the company/individual will be billed monthly. No application is necessary if using a Credit/Debit Card.
The Fill Station is equipped with two water dispensing units. One unit is equipped with an overhead dispensing arm that can accommodate up to 14’ and a second unit with side filling connections with a 2 ½” Fire Hose Thread Connection.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at (775) 782-2339. Print the Bulk Water Application & Terms and Conditions